CSR Expediters
CSR Expediters
CSR Expediters in NYC

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Tired of projects being delayed because of hours lost at the Dept of Transportation or the Dept of Buildings in NY? WE CAN HELP You!

CSR Expediters offers top quality expediting services to Contractors, Architects, Property Managers and Homeowners.

We work closely with our clients to ensure that all their required permits are obtained in a timely manner so that their projects are completed on time.

CSR Expediters can assist you in all phases of the Permitting process in all 5 boroughs of New York.

Services Provided

  • Plan approvals, permits and sign-offs
  • Permit renewal
  • ACP 5, Asbestos Inspection
  • Notary services when required
  • Certificate of Occupancy
  • Filing with the Landmarks Commission when required
  • Violation research/ removal

Department of Transportation Permits

  • Container
  • Sidewalk
  • Roadwa
  • We can get all Dept of Trans permits

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